succession to the japanese throne câu
succession to the british throne
Princess Eugenie of York Succession to the British throneCông chúa Eugenie xứ York Thứ tự kế vị ngai vàng nước Anh Lady Louise Windsor...

succession to the danish throne
The twins will become no. 4 and 5 in the line of succession to the Danish throne.Cặp song sinh sẽ được liệt kê vào vị trí thứ 4 và 5 tr...

succession to the dutch throne
Princess Alexia is a member of the Dutch Royal House and second in the line of succession to the Dutch throne. — Life …Công chúa Alexia...

succession to the spanish throne
Leonor is first in the line of succession to the Spanish throne after her father became King in June 2014.Leonor là người đầu tiên tron...

succession to the swedish throne
After her birth, she became third in line of succession to the Swedish throne.Sau khi sinh, cô đứng thứ ba trong dòng kế vị ngai vàng T...

the throne
And i have always counseled loyalty to the throne.Và thần luôn khuyên bảo ngài ấy trung với triều đình. He kills the king and half the...

You cared nothing for my throne, or my son-Nàng không quan tâm gì tới ngai vàng của ta, hay con trai ta. And i have always counseled l...

Jesse Armstrong, phim Succession, tập Nobody Is Ever Missing, (HBO) Succession (Tập: "Celebration"), đạo diễn bởi Adam McKay (HBO) to re...

accede to the throne
But this royal infant is unlikely ever to accede to the throne.Nhưng em bé hoàng gia này vẫn khó có thể chạm tới ngôi vương. The guidi...

accession to the throne
In 2013, at his accession to the throne at the age of 46, King Willem-Alexander was Europe’s youngest monarch.Ở tuổi 46, Willem-Alexand...

ascend the throne
A great king will ascend the throne, and reign for a few years.Một vị vua lớn sẽ lên ngôi và sẽ cai trị vài năm. Which of David’s sons...

come to the throne
Then it is time to call up your faith and boldly come to the throne to petition the Lord’s will be done on earth.đem quân sang đánh Qua...

succeed the throne
According to legend, King Hung wanted to choose one son to succeed the throne.Theo truyền thuyết, vua Hùng muốn chọn một người con trai...

succeed to the throne
She wanted William to succeed to the Throne when the Queen died.“Bà muốn William lên ngôi sau khi Nữ hoàng qua đời. “She wanted Willia...

usurp the throne
She wants to usurp the throne and eliminate old officials like us.Bà ta muốn soán ngôi nên rất muốn trừ khử các đại thần chúng ta Set ...

apostolic succession
That’s “apostolic succession.”Đang xem mục từ: apostolic succession »» Also see: Apostolic SuccessionĐang xem mục từ: apostolic success...

customary succession
As a young man he advanced through the customary succession of offices under the reigns of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus.Khi còn trẻ ông...

ecological succession
Cities undergo a form of ecological succession.Người dân phải hứng chịu nhiều sự cố môi trường liên tiếp It is called ecological succe...

intestate succession
Intestate succession tables frequently compare the degree of kinship in order to determine who need to inherit if there is no surviving...

perpetual succession
Perpetual Succession: A change of membership does not affect the company’s continued existence.Sự tiếp nối không ngừng (Perpetual Succe...

right of succession
His abdication of his right of renounce the right of succession từ bỏ quyền kế thừa His abdication of his right of succes...

succession box
This template creates a single succession box column for incumbents to be used with succession boxes.Bản mẫu này tạo ra một cột hộp kế ...

succession of days
My childhood was a succession of days living in fear because of the war, in great misery when losing a family member because of bombing...

succession of states
You bet your ass there is: the Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties.Công ước ở đây là công ước « Vienna Con...

testate succession
FjM advises and prepares documents for inheritance, explains intestate succession issues, priority, timing and testate succession issue...